Physical Therapy Modalities
Physical therapy modalities include a variety of treatment tools used by our therapists to decrease pain, inflammation, and treat muscle strains.
Electrical stimulation uses an electrical current to increase blood flow, reduce pain or encourage muscle contractions for muscle strengthening.
Heat packs are often used at the beginning or end of a session for chronic conditions to help loosen up tissue and stimulate blood flow to the painful area.
Ice packs can be used on an acute injury to help minimize inflammation and decrease pain. Ice can also be incorporated into a treatment plan to address chronic conditions and is used after exercise to keep the swelling down.
Iontophoresis uses electrical stimulation to help deliver a water soluble ant-inflammatory to the area of discomfort. It is used to decrease swelling and pain.
Kineso tape is a medical grade tape that is used to support and stabilize joints without affecting the range of motion. Kineso tape can also be applied to reduce swelling following an orthopedic injury or to a limb affected by lymphedema.
Ultrasound is a modality that uses ultrasonic waves that pass through the skin to increase tissue relaxation, local blood flow, and scar tissue breakdown, while reducing local swelling.